According to the reservation last time in the campus hospital, I went to the hospital yesterday afternoon when it is in the late October. There is a bump on the scalp for many years which is just like a small piece of meat drop influencing washing the head that I should pay much attention to. On late August I went to the hospital and the doctor said that it was a benign bump and a little operation could deal with the problem. But that time was not proper for it was so hot and sweat often made the wound wet as the result of infection. So two month later might be the proper time when it has been cool now.
When I got there I registered to the dermatology department and saw the same doctor I saw before. She asked me to have a blood testing including the automatic analysis of blood cells (the regular testing), PT testing, HBsAg testing and Anti1-HIV testing. After these tests, I could reserve the date for operation. All these tests are necessary for the operation. After drawing off blood, the report of the automatic analysis of blood cells came out soon. And the other two items came out more than half an hour later. But I did not see the result of the last Anti1-HIV testing and the tester said it would be several days later. All those which had come out are normal for me. Here list the results of these tests. Next entry will show them later.
Table 1 Report of the automatic analysis of blood cells (the regular testing)
number item result range referred unit
1 leukocyte 6.40 4.00~10.00 10^9/L
2 neutrophil percentage 52.5 46.0~73.0 %
3 lymphatic percentage 35.7 20.0~47.0 %
4 the percentage of single-core 8.1 1.0~10.0 %
5 eosinophil percentage 3.2 0.0~5.0 %
6 basophil percentage 0.5 0.0~1.0 %
7 absolute neutrophil 3.4 2.0~7.0 10^9/L
8 absolute lymph 2.3 0.8~4.0 10^9/L
9 single-core absolute 0.5 0.1~1.0 10^9/L
10 absolute eosinophil 0.2 0.0~0.5 10^9/L
11 absolute basophil 0.0 0.0~0.1 10^9/L
12 RBC Count 4.79 4.00~5.50 10^12/L
13 HB 15.1 12.0~16.0 g/dl
14 HCT 44.40 35.00~54.00 %
15 MCV 92.7 80.0~100.0 fL
16 MCH 31.6 27.0~34.0 pg
17 MCHC 34.0 32.0~36.0 g/L
18 RDWSD 12.6 11.6~14.5 %
19 BPC 218 100~350 10^9/L
20 PCT 0.20 0.00~99.00 %
21 PDW 17.7 12.0~20.0 fL
22 MPV 9.2 6.0~11.0 fL
Table 2 Report of other two tests
number item result range referred
1 PT 12.1 11.0~14.0s
2 HBsAg negative negative
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